ID 1022266
Game Rust
Server name [SEA] Community of Noobs |Solo/Duo Vanilla 2x 6/12
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 7/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 minutes ago
Rule key Value
build 109107.0
description_00 Community of Noobs is back \n A monthly solo/duo only server for SEA Beginners. Server Wipes Bi-Wee
description_01 kly ( Monthly BP wipe ) . \n \n Server Rules : \n 1. No players with previous VAC bans or level 0 p
description_02 rofiles with Rust only as purchased allowed in the server. \n 2. Solo/Duo only! No teaming or allyin
description_03 g with more than 2. But however you don't have to KOS everytime. Solos can make neighours up to 2. Y
description_04 ou can still have friends, but no 3v1 situations becuase it's not fair to other solos. \n 3. Trading
description_05 is allowed through vending machines or shop fronts only. \n 4. Cheating such as ESP / aimbot or any
description_06 third-party app to get advantage over gameplay experience is a bannable offense. Admins are active
description_07 and will ban permanently if caught. \n 6. Keep the chat clean, server defaming or disrespectful beha
description_08 viour will lead to temporary to permanent ban. \n \n Server info : Our server has a panel of admins
description_09 you can find in Discord. No admins will be playing in game as survivors. No power is given to any p
description_10 layer who is playing. everyone is equally treated and if you want to contact admins, go to discord a
description_11 nd submit a ticket you will recieve a quick response \n \n Play fair and Have fun..