ID 1022308
Game Rust
Server name Rust Explora / PVE + PVP zones / Raidable Bases / Convoy / Sput
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 0/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 day ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 114035.0
description_00 Welcome to Explora, a unique Rust experience blending PvE exploration with strategic PvP action. Our
description_01 server offers bi-monthly wipes, enhanced security features, and thrilling events to keep your survi
description_02 val journey fresh and exciting.\n\nMark your calendars: Our next wipe is scheduled for 06-03-2025 at
description_03 8PM CET. Events kick off on 22-02-2025, with full PvP commencing on 05-03-2025 at 8PM.\n\nDiscover
description_04 a world where almost everything is lockable, from furnaces to vehicles, ensuring your hard-earned re
description_05 sources stay secure. Take advantage of our remover tool (/remove) for seamless base modifications. E
description_06 ngage in heart-pounding events like Sputnik, ShipWreck, Raidable Bases, Convoy, and Tugboat pirates.
description_07 \n\nExplora features carefully designed PvP zones, including most monuments, airdrops, and cargo, ba
description_08 lancing the thrill of combat with the peace of building and exploration. We foster a respectful, mul
description_09 tilingual community, welcoming both English and Dutch speakers in main chat.\n\nOur server rules pro
description_10 mote fair play: No raiding except during the last 24 hours of each wipe, zero tolerance for toxicity
description_11 or griefing, and restricted turret usage to maintain balance.