ID 1050601
Game Rust
Server name Method Games Solo/Duo Weekly/Vanilla
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 0/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 6 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
fps 40.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
build 116504.0
gc_cl 145.0
gc_mb 1704.0
ent_cnt 56636.0
fps_avg 40.0
description_00 Welcome!\nThis community has been created to facilitate respectful gameplay.\n\nMap wipes weekly on
description_01 Thursdays. BP wipes every month.\n\nBe respectful. Gameplay banter is allowed, toxicity will not be
description_02 tolerated.\nNo racism, homophobia or sexism.\nNo websites in usernames.\n\nMax of 2 players:\n- Per
description_03 team and base\n- Authed on TCs and codes\n- Roaming / raiding\n\nSwapping:\n- Remove all bags, remov
description_04 e and change codes, clear TC auth.\n- The player that is being swapped should not return to the team
description_05 for the remainder of the wipe.\n- A player that returns to a team will be temporarily banned for 48
description_06 hours.\n- The player who reinvites an old teammate will be temporarily banned for 1 week.\n- To avo
description_07 id complications, you can create a ticket through discord to notify us of swapped players.\n\nGamepl
description_08 ay:\n- No working with other groups\n- Neutrality is allowed but alliances are not\n- No giving away
description_09 or receiving bases\n- You may abandon a base by removing all locks and clearing TC auth\n\nJoin our
description_10 community discord at