ID 1080123
Game Rust
Server name Rust Evolution 2
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 1/250
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 days ago
Rule key Value
build 107591.0
ent_cnt 143568.0
description_00 Tired of joining a just wiped server only to be gunned down by someone with an AK-47 while you're st
description_01 ill holding a spear? Rust Evolution offers a balanced and fair experience with a unique, phase-based
description_02 progression system designed for all player levels. \n \nEvery month (or bi-monthly), dive into a fr
description_03 esh wipe and progress through three carefully balanced stages: \n \n- Stage 1: Start with basic reso
description_04 urces and craft up to Workbench Level 1. Explore early-game mechanics with Green Card access only. \
description_05 n \n- Stage 2: After a set period, Workbench Level 2 crafting becomes available, and Blue Card acces
description_06 s unlocks, expanding your exploration and raid potential. \n \n- Stage 3: Finally, gain access to Wo
description_07 rkbench Level 3 crafting, with the ultimate Red Card access opening high-tier areas and resources fo
description_08 r those who have survived the grind. \n \n \nOur phase-based system ensures that progression feels n
description_09 atural and rewarding, without the frustration of overpowered players dominating the map from day one
description_10 . Whether you're solo or with a team, Rust Evolution offers a dynamic, balanced, and engaging Rust e
description_11 xperience.