ID 1087688
Game Rust
Server name HYBRID PVX |Est|M|Half-PVE/PVP|170+Mods|NoobFriendly
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 1/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 day ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
gotchatwo44 0 1 hour
Rule key Value
build 114035.0
description_00 Welcome to HYBRID PVX! Each map is split into two main zone
description_01 s, PVE and PVP. Even if you are a PVP veteran or you are new to playing Rust you should enjoy the d
description_02 ynamic of having both a PVE and PVP zone. Enjoy the safety of the PVE Zone or not and travel to the
description_03 PVP Zone where you and anything you build can be destroyed. The PVP Zone has the HQ-MOD bonus prot
description_04 ection buff which makes your base take 50% less damage and also you will gain a 3X RP-RATE from loot
description_05 ing, gathering and killing anything in the PVP zone. The goal of this server is to attempt to creat
description_06 e a new kind of gameplay with this split-map pve/pvp zone dynamic. Start at a normal vanilla gather
description_07 -rate and progress to a max 4X-rate by spending Reward Points (RP) collected to gain the necessary s
description_08 kills (/sk). There are 40 skills to be unlocked. There are many ways to spend RP: Raidable Bases, S
description_09 hop Items, Skills and Premade PVP Bases. And to gain RP: Killing, looting, gathering, questing and s
description_10 elling items Read the /features and /tips page in-game for more info. There is no way to pay-to-win
description_11 on this server so we can create an equal playing field for all. Monthly Wipes.