ID 1124087
Game Rust
Server name [EU/DE] Camp Kartoffel | Beginner Server - MiniSpawn|Upkeep 10%
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 19/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
loan 0 7 hours
voncile 0 6 hours
georgiann 0 5 hours
mardell 0 3 hours
pearline 0 2 hours
socorro 0 2 hours
eliana 0 2 hours
jaleesa 0 1 hour
tran 0 1 hour
leo 0 1 hour
anitra 0 1 hour
kory 0 1 hour
bennett 0 1 hour
isadora 0 45 minutes
ahmad 0 42 minutes
eulalia 0 39 minutes
janett 0 36 minutes
treena 0 22 minutes
vasiliki 0 14 minutes
Rule key Value
fps 25.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
pve False
hash 6c31b9a3
build 115956.0
gc_cl 177.0
gc_mb 3136.0
status sto
ent_cnt 115290.0
fps_avg 24.35
ram_sys 0.0
description_00 Serverregeln und weitere Features findest Du auf unserem Discord Server!\n
description_01 EJe\n\n★ Anfängerfreundlicher Server\n★ Vanilla Rust\n★ Aktive Admins bieten Hilfestellung\n★ Minis
description_02 spawnen auf der Straße\n★ Turretlimit auf 50 erhöht\n★ Baglimit auf 50 erhöht\n★ 10% Upkeep\n★ Kein
description_03 Teamlimit\n★ Server-Restart: 6 Uhr nachts\n★ Server-Wipe: Jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat\n★ BP-Wip
description_04 e: Alle 2 Monate -> jeden geraden Monat\n\n\nServer Rules and additional Features on our Discord Ser
description_05 ver!\n\n\n★ Beginner-friendly Server\n★ Vanilla Rust\n★ Active admins /
description_06 provide assistance\n★ Minis spawn on the road\n★ Turret limit increased to 50\n★ Bag limit increase
description_07 d to 50\n★ 10% upkeep\n★ No team limit\n★ Server restart: 6 AM(GMT+1)\n★ Server wipe: Every first Th
description_08 ursday of the month\n★ BP wipe: Every 2 months -> every even month\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n