ID 1141311
Game Rust
Server name Rust INDIA 5x | Partners In Crime | Next Wipe 14th March
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 18/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
BigQ 0 5 hours
0 4 hours
PewDiePie 0 3 hours
Invader 0 3 hours
peek<3 PLAY 0 3 hours
Gbae 0 2 hours
j 0 1 hour
Jhatu hai tu 0 1 hour
virajsingh 0 1 hour
ScientisT 0 1 hour
sSiNgH 0 1 hour
Gorib_Shroud 0 1 hour
SLANG 0 1 hour
Scientist 0 58 minutes
bitblaster16 0 42 minutes
Scientist 0 39 minutes
Sk1tzo 0 7 minutes
Mevrex 0 2 minutes
Rule key Value
fps 123.0
build 115956.0
gc_cl 156.0
gc_mb 365.0
ent_cnt 131693.0
fps_avg 120.92
description_00 WELCOME TO RUST IND 5x SERVER. \n \n Next wipe is on 14th March, 06:00 PM IST.\n \n➡️ Using VPN or a
description_01 ny other services is not allowed (if you need raise a ticket). \n➡️ 5x gather rates for all resource
description_02 s (2.5x Sulphur) and 5x quarries (2.5x Sulphur).\n➡️ 5x scrap/components.\n➡️ Custom loot tables.\n➡
description_03 ️ Max team size 6 players only.\n➡️ Map wipes weekly on Friday at 8 PM IST. \n➡️ BP wipes weekly. \n
description_04 ➡️ Whole base workbench.\n➡️ Above ground rails, merged outpost, launch site, military tunnels and m
description_05 any more monuments available on our map.\n➡️Workbench tax is 0, Dynamic vending disabled.\n➡️Patrol
description_06 heli falls where it was taken similar to old rust. \n➡️Hemp and other plants grow at 2x speed.\n➡️Cl
description_07 ans, Kits, Shop, Teleportation and many more features. \n➡️ Auto Auth team members.\n➡️ Share bluepr
description_08 ints in team.\n➡️ Faster loot spawns.\n➡️ Vending machines insta-restock.\n➡️Locked crates unlock ti
description_09 me is 7min 30sec instead of 15min.\n➡️ Insta kill/auto pickup barrels. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n