ID 1148965
Game Rust
Server name [EU] SatLaLanD PRO 5X [PVE]
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 1/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 17 seconds ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Our Dedicated Server is working with very Powerfull hardware.\n We have some premium plugins install
description_01 ed including NPCs at EVERY MONUMENT (including gas station, supermarket and every AirDrop so it is a
description_02 PRO ONLY SERVER)!\n\nMaximum team size is 3 so you can play with your friends :)\n We would appreci
description_03 ate every player that logges in to our little server and always keep track and handle cheaters as so
description_04 on as posible so the server is to you liking!\n\n5X gathering and looting.\nHow to connect: in the F
description_05 1 console type 'connect' \n Map size: 4000\n Maximum players online: 150\n____
description_06 _____ \n \nOur server rules:\n - NO HACKERS\CHEATERS of ANY KIND!\n - No bans allowed!\n - No intern
description_07 ational bug abuse!\n - No Racism! \n - No Alliances\n\nOur server features:\n - Mymini comes with 50
description_08 low grade (15 Minutes cooldown).\n - Backpack for extra inventory space.\n - Bigger stacks.\n - Cus
description_09 tom Raidable bases for you to enjoy.\n - Instant crafting so you don't have to wait.\n - Sputnik for
description_10 extra challange.\n - 5X resource gathering.\n - 5X loot on all containers.\n - Autodoors so far awa
description_11 y raiders can't invade your base.\n - Kits for everyone!\n - Almost instant recyceling.\n