ID 1237375
Game Rust
Server name 『Eu』 RustLife SoloOnly Biweekly, No BP Wipes.| Wipe:21/3 |
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 0/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 3 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
fps 206.0
build 115956.0
ent_cnt 39970.0
description_00 ---------------------------Welcome to RustLife | Solo-Only | No Teaming--------------------------- -
description_01 ----------------Automanic Teaming Ban and Detection Dedicated Plugin!----------------- ------No Pay
description_02 to Win! | Full Vanilla No Kits or Vip! | Best Rust Solo Experience!------ --------------------------
description_03 ------------------------------About Us---------------------------------------------------------- - S
description_04 OLO ONLY , No allies allowed , trading is ONLY permitted through a metal shop front or vending machi
description_05 ne OR in outpoost/bandit town - Clean server 24/24: If you intend to play duo or make teams this ser
description_06 ver will detect and permanent ban you automatically (no admin/reports required) Group Limit:1 Import
description_07 ant Rules: -NO friendly ROLEPLAY with other players ! -NO HACKING/MARCO/ESP Wipe schedule:The last w
description_08 ipe was on 21/3 The next wipe will be on 4/4 (14 day wipe schedule) The map size is 3000 and the see
description_09 d is 68 (BP wiped 24/1) For Discrd Server click on blue button VIEW WEBPAGE or copy this: -Discord:h
description_10 ttps:// -Steam Group: !