ID 1592719
Game Rust
Server name Deep Dive
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 1/30
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 4 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
corey 0 1 hour
Rule key Value
fps 102.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
hash e89c5e
build 116504.0
gc_cl 145.0
gc_mb 1813.0
ent_cnt 79230.0
fps_avg 101.58
description_00 Welcome to Deep Dive, a private dedicated vanilla Rust server where our only real goal is to see how
description_01 far we can get before everything inevitably falls apart. Will we thrive as a well-coordinated survi
description_02 val machine, or will we get distracted, forget to farm materials, and end up fighting over a single
description_03 can of beans? Only time will tell. ★ Pure Vanilla Rust – No mods, no nonsense—just the full Rust exp
description_04 erience, for better or worse. ★ Questionable Teamwork – We could work together efficiently… but we p
description_05 robably won’t. ★ Scavenging & Crafting – Turn scrap into weapons, build a fortress, or spend hours m
description_06 aking a weirdly overcomplicated door system no one can figure out. ★ Accidents Will Happen – Maybe y
description_07 ou “forgot” to lock the TC. Maybe you “didn’t see” your friend standing there before you threw that
description_08 grenade. These things happen. Survive, build, and try not to betray each other—at least not too badl
description_09 y. Let's see how far we can get before disaster strikes.