ID 20507
Game Team Fortress 2
Server name -EotL- 24/7 Orange | NO ADS
Mod EndOfTheLineGaming TF2
Map cp_orange_x3_se2_fix5b
Players 14/32
Bots 14
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 3 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
CreditToTeam 394 21 hours
BeepBeepBoop 314 21 hours
The Freeman 227 21 hours
Soulless 219 21 hours
HI THERE 131 21 hours
MindlessElectrons 125 21 hours
AmNot 105 21 hours
DeadHead 88 21 hours
GLaDOS 83 21 hours
Someone Else 81 21 hours
Headful of Eyeballs 73 21 hours
Dog 65 21 hours
Zepheniah Mann 18 21 hours
LOS LOS LOS 16 21 hours