ID 20510
Game Team Fortress 2
Server name -EotL- Engineer Fortress | NO ADS
Mod Engineer Fortress [EOTL]
Map pl_shoreleave_rc2i
Players 31/32
Bots 26
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 4 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
Domey 90 53 minutes
deathtyco 57 25 minutes
Meet the Battle Engineer 16 15 minutes
Maggot 14 2 hours
N0n Pl4yer 14 13 minutes
GutsAndGlory! 8 2 hours
Ze Ubermensch 8 2 hours
Target Practice 8 2 hours
Humans Are Weak 7 2 hours
Herr Doktor 6 2 hours
Timuran666 6 2 hours
CrySomeMore 5 2 hours
Gentlemanne of Leisure 5 2 hours
Nobody 4 2 hours
RageQuit 4 2 hours
Divide by Zero 4 2 hours
0xDEADBEEF 3 2 hours
HI THERE 3 2 hours
Headful of Eyeballs 3 2 hours
GLaDOS 2 2 hours
Hostage 2 2 hours
Aperture Science Prototype XR7 2 2 hours
Screamin' Eagles 2 2 hours
Crazed Gunman 2 2 hours
SomeDude 1 2 hours
AimBot 1 2 hours
C++ 1 2 hours
Companion Cube 0 2 hours
Big Mean Muther Hubbard 0 2 hours
Poopy Joe 0 2 hours