ID 21844
Game Team Fortress 2
Server name NA|★ GGU ★|2 Fort+|Instant Respawn|RTD|No Random Crits
Mod Team Fortress
Map ctf_2fort
Players 32/33
Bots 31
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 3 days ago
Player's name Score Duration
IvanTheSpaceBiker 1381 12 hours
I LIVE! 1276 12 hours
HI THERE 1250 12 hours
AimBot 1234 12 hours
Screamin' Eagles 1166 12 hours
CRITRAWKETS 1149 12 hours
Delicious Cake 1143 12 hours
Nobody 1127 12 hours
Ze Ubermensch 1122 12 hours
One-Man Cheeseburger Apocalypse 1120 12 hours
Humans Are Weak 1085 12 hours
Gentlemanne of Leisure 1072 12 hours
Companion Cube 1054 12 hours
CrySomeMore 1024 12 hours
GLaDOS 998 12 hours
0xDEADBEEF 997 12 hours
Target Practice 996 12 hours
Aperture Science Prototype XR7 974 12 hours
Hostage 970 12 hours
AmNot 941 12 hours
Headful of Eyeballs 939 12 hours
GutsAndGlory! 936 12 hours
SomeDude 931 12 hours
Saxton Hale 930 12 hours
Kaboom! 919 12 hours
RageQuit 911 12 hours
Maggot 799 12 hours
Nom Nom Nom 790 12 hours
Herr Doktor 714 12 hours
Divide by Zero 284 12 hours
Tiny Baby Man 126 12 hours
Strangeguy 39 6 minutes