ID 303175
Game 7 Days To Die
Server name Apokalyptisches Intermezzo 2.0
Mod 7 Days To Die
Map West Yioye Territory
Players 0/8
Bots 0
VAC False
Password True
Refresh 22 hours ago
Rule key Value
Ping -1.0
Port 26900.0
Region Europe
DayCount 3.0
GameHost Apokalyptisches Intermezzo 2.0
GameMode Survival
GameName Bielefeld
GameType 7DTD
IsPublic True
Language German
Platform WindowsPlayer
LevelName West Yioye Territory
PlayGroup Standalone
DropOnQuit 0.0
MaxPlayers 8.0
BuildCreate False
DropOnDeath 1.0
IsDedicated True
MaxChunkAge -1.0
RequiresMod False
DeathPenalty 1.0
ModdedConfig False
AirDropMarker True
BlockDamageAI 100.0
LandClaimSize 41.0
LootAbundance 150.0
AllowCrossplay True
Architecture64 True
BloodMoonRange 0.0
CurrentPlayers 0.0
DayLightLength 18.0
DayNightLength 90.0
EnemySpawnMode True
GameDifficulty 1.0
LandClaimCount 3.0
BlockDamageAIBM 100.0
EACAndSanctions EACEnabledOn,IgnoreEOSSanctionsOff,
EnemyDifficulty 0.0
FreePlayerSlots 8.0
LootRespawnDays 7.0
AirDropFrequency 48.0
BloodMoonWarning 7.0
BedrollExpiryTime 45.0
BlockDamagePlayer 100.0
CurrentServerTime 1499321.0
LandClaimDeadZone 30.0
MaxSpawnedAnimals 50.0
MaxSpawnedZombies 64.0
PlayerKillingMode 2.0
ServerDescription Freigang der Verrückten\n\n [ff7f00]Welcome
BloodMoonFrequency 7.0
LandClaimDecayMode 0.0
BedrollDeadZoneSize 15.0
BloodMoonEnemyCount 6.0
IsPasswordProtected True
LandClaimExpiryTime 7.0
PartySharedKillRange 1000.0
LandClaimOfflineDelay 0.0
AllowSpawnNearBackpack True
BlockDurabilityModifier -1.0
QuestProgressionDailyLimit 4.0
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier 4.0
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier 4.0