ID 305815
Game 7 Days To Die
Server name #_-1_EN/CZ/SK_FreeForAll DarknesFallsMod(5.1.0)[-]Gamev21.2
Mod 7 Days To Die
Map DFalls-Navezgane
Players 0/32
Bots 0
VAC False
Password False
Refresh 4 hours ago
Rule key Value
Ping -1.0
Port 34000.0
Region Europe
DayCount 3.0
GameHost #_-1_EN/CZ/SK_FreeForAll DarknesFallsMod(5.1.0)[-]Gamev21.2
GameMode Survival
GameName FFA_DFHard
GameType 7DTD
IsPublic True
Language English
Platform LinuxPlayer
LevelName DFalls-Navezgane
DropOnQuit 0.0
EACEnabled False
MaxPlayers 32.0
BuildCreate False
DropOnDeath 3.0
IsDedicated True
MaxChunkAge 5.0
RequiresMod False
DeathPenalty 2.0
ModdedConfig True
AirDropMarker True
BlockDamageAI 110.0
LandClaimSize 100.0
LootAbundance 170.0
Architecture64 True
BloodMoonRange 5.0
CurrentPlayers 0.0
DayLightLength 20.0
DayNightLength 90.0
EnemySpawnMode True
GameDifficulty 4.0
LandClaimCount 3.0
BlockDamageAIBM 160.0
EnemyDifficulty 0.0
FreePlayerSlots 32.0
LootRespawnDays 10.0
AirDropFrequency 24.0
BloodMoonWarning 1.0
BedrollExpiryTime 10.0
BlockDamagePlayer 140.0
CurrentServerTime 1429763.0
LandClaimDeadZone 230.0
MaxSpawnedAnimals 40.0
MaxSpawnedZombies 180.0
PlayerKillingMode 3.0
ServerDescription [E33712] DF Hard Server[-] for all.\nWith Darknes Fall Mod\nHard work, high loot. \n\nA server with very high difficulty, but also with grea
BloodMoonFrequency 12.0
LandClaimDecayMode 0.0
BedrollDeadZoneSize 3.0
BloodMoonEnemyCount 12.0
IsPasswordProtected False
LandClaimExpiryTime 7.0
PartySharedKillRange 1500.0
LandClaimOfflineDelay 4320.0
AllowSpawnNearBackpack True
BlockDurabilityModifier -1.0
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier 60.0
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier 2.0