ID 306441
Game 7 Days To Die
Server name Nordic PvE 11b
Mod 7 Days To Die
Map South Lorape Valley
Players 0/16
Bots 0
VAC False
Password False
Refresh just now
Rule key Value
Ping -1.0
Port 33062.0
Region Europe
DayCount 3.0
GameHost Nordic PvE 11b
GameMode Survival
GameName Nordic LP PvP 11b
GameType 7DTD
IsPublic True
Language Swedish
Platform LinuxPlayer
LevelName South Lorape Valley
DropOnQuit 0.0
EACEnabled True
MaxPlayers 16.0
BuildCreate False
DropOnDeath 3.0
IsDedicated True
MaxChunkAge -1.0
RequiresMod False
DeathPenalty 3.0
ModdedConfig True
AirDropMarker False
BlockDamageAI 100.0
LandClaimSize 35.0
LootAbundance 95.0
Architecture64 True
BloodMoonRange 0.0
CurrentPlayers 0.0
DayLightLength 18.0
DayNightLength 240.0
EnemySpawnMode True
GameDifficulty 0.0
LandClaimCount 3.0
BlockDamageAIBM 500.0
EnemyDifficulty 0.0
FreePlayerSlots 16.0
LootRespawnDays 365.0
AirDropFrequency 23.0
BloodMoonWarning 14.0
BedrollExpiryTime 45.0
BlockDamagePlayer 100.0
CurrentServerTime 165674.0
LandClaimDeadZone 300.0
MaxSpawnedAnimals 4.0
MaxSpawnedZombies 96.0
PlayerKillingMode 0.0
ServerDescription Långa dygn. Håll till godo. Gång och språng, det var en gång ..
BloodMoonFrequency 7.0
LandClaimDecayMode 0.0
BedrollDeadZoneSize 15.0
BloodMoonEnemyCount 7.0
IsPasswordProtected False
LandClaimExpiryTime 21.0
PartySharedKillRange 250.0
LandClaimOfflineDelay 0.0
AllowSpawnNearBackpack True
BlockDurabilityModifier -1.0
ServerLoginConfirmationText Bob med sitt bisarra dansande förvirrade zombierna och hjälpte den unga kvinnan a
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier 16.0
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier 0.0