ID | 311428 |
Game | 7 Days To Die |
Server name | TexasVetTV Server |
Address | |
Country | |
Mod | 7 Days To Die |
Map | Random Gen |
Players | 0/8 |
Bots | 0 |
VAC | False |
Password | True |
Refresh | just now |
Tags | |
Rule key | Value |
IP | |
Ping | -1.0 |
Port | 10539.0 |
SteamID | 90200937196900350 |
Version | Alpha 16.4 |
DayCount | 3.0 |
GameHost | TexasVetTV Server |
GameMode | SurvivalMP |
GameName | Fight2Survive |
GameType | 7DTD |
IsPublic | True |
Platform | LinuxPlayer |
LevelName | Random Gen |
DropOnQuit | 0.0 |
EACEnabled | False |
MaxPlayers | 8.0 |
StockFiles | False |
ZombiesRun | 1.0 |
BuildCreate | False |
CountryCode | US |
DropOnDeath | 2.0 |
IsDedicated | True |
RequiresMod | False |
AirDropMarker | True |
LandClaimSize | 51.0 |
LootAbundance | 500.0 |
StockSettings | False |
Architecture64 | True |
CurrentPlayers | 0.0 |
DayLightLength | 20.0 |
DayNightLength | 60.0 |
EnemySpawnMode | True |
GameDifficulty | 2.0 |
EnemyDifficulty | 0.0 |
LootRespawnDays | 7.0 |
AirDropFrequency | 72.0 |
ServerWebsiteURL | |
CurrentServerTime | 2036986.0 |
LandClaimDeadZone | 30.0 |
MaxSpawnedAnimals | 100.0 |
MaxSpawnedZombies | 60.0 |
PlayerKillingMode | 0.0 |
ServerDescription | TexasVetTV Server |
LandClaimDecayMode | 0.0 |
BloodMoonEnemyCount | 8.0 |
IsPasswordProtected | True |
LandClaimExpiryTime | 3.0 |
CompatibilityVersion | Alpha 16.4 |
ShowFriendPlayerOnMap | True |
BlockDurabilityModifier | 100.0 |
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier | 4.0 |
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier | 4.0 |