ID 311428
Game 7 Days To Die
Server name TexasVetTV Server
Mod 7 Days To Die
Map Random Gen
Players 0/8
Bots 0
VAC False
Password True
Refresh just now
Rule key Value
Ping -1.0
Port 10539.0
SteamID 90200937196900350
Version Alpha 16.4
DayCount 3.0
GameHost TexasVetTV Server
GameMode SurvivalMP
GameName Fight2Survive
GameType 7DTD
IsPublic True
Platform LinuxPlayer
LevelName Random Gen
DropOnQuit 0.0
EACEnabled False
MaxPlayers 8.0
StockFiles False
ZombiesRun 1.0
BuildCreate False
CountryCode US
DropOnDeath 2.0
IsDedicated True
RequiresMod False
AirDropMarker True
LandClaimSize 51.0
LootAbundance 500.0
StockSettings False
Architecture64 True
CurrentPlayers 0.0
DayLightLength 20.0
DayNightLength 60.0
EnemySpawnMode True
GameDifficulty 2.0
EnemyDifficulty 0.0
LootRespawnDays 7.0
AirDropFrequency 72.0
CurrentServerTime 2036986.0
LandClaimDeadZone 30.0
MaxSpawnedAnimals 100.0
MaxSpawnedZombies 60.0
PlayerKillingMode 0.0
ServerDescription TexasVetTV Server
LandClaimDecayMode 0.0
BloodMoonEnemyCount 8.0
IsPasswordProtected True
LandClaimExpiryTime 3.0
CompatibilityVersion Alpha 16.4
ShowFriendPlayerOnMap True
BlockDurabilityModifier 100.0
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier 4.0
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier 4.0