ID 326223
Game Rust
Server name Foxx PVE 3x|Skill Tree|Events|Chill here
Mod Rust
Map Foxx Custom
Players 1/75
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 14 seconds ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Do PVP servers stress you out? If so, FOXX PVE+ is the place for you.\nWebsite: http://foxxservers.c
description_01 om Discord:\n\nFOXX PVE+ Bi-Weekly MapWipes / Monthly BP - Full Wipe\n
description_02 3X - Wood / Ore / Acquire / Harvesting / Skinned animal meat and mats / Roadside barrel scrap / Road
description_03 -signs.\n4X - 5X Skill Tree Buffs for Wood / Ore / Acquire / Harvesting / Skinned animal meat and ma
description_04 ts.\n2X - 5X Furnace / Oil Refinery Upgrades available to produce more mats / increase speed / save
description_05 fuel. Costs RP and is not refunded.\n\nSome Features:\n - 350+ PVE Custom raidable bases in 4 differ
description_06 ent difficulties balanced with custom loot tables\n - Massive server-wide Nightmare raids every wipe
description_07 \n - Skill Tree with XP, levels and 70+ skills\n - NPCs at monuments with varying difficulties\n - R
description_08 andom Bosses with 5K+ health\n - Bradleys at Launch, Air Field, Trainyard, and Water Treatment\n - T
description_09 eleports to Home / Town / Outpost / Bandit / TPR (Cooldowns & Limits Per Rank) \n - Timed Ranks - 10
description_10 H/50H/100H/250H/500H/1000H/2000H and FX+ Ranks\n - Server Rewards (RP) / PlayerChallenges / ServerSh
description_11 op / InfoPage\n - Larger Stack Sizes / Instacraft\n - Night will have X2 RP gain\n - Furn