ID 326262
Game Rust
Server name GRIMMZONE PVE US 5X | FRIENDLY | RaidBases | Loot++ | Skills |
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 10/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
alexa 0 2 hours
silva 0 2 hours
malcom 0 2 hours
antonietta 0 2 hours
russ 0 2 hours
maryalice 0 1 hour
iris 0 1 hour
kay 0 1 hour
edmond 0 28 minutes
kasha 0 1 minute
Rule key Value
build 115956.0
description_00 \n The Ultimate PvE Experience! 5x Gather Optimized AlphaLoot \n Buybases! Exclusive Plugin to purch
description_01 ase a base for the busy gamer! \n Custom Build Spots! Custom events at Satelite Dish, Harbors, Convo
description_02 ys etc. \n No risk of player looting or killing. Loot locked to top damage dealer. \n SkillTree and
description_03 Combat Classes for a more enjoyable experience. \n Specialize in Classes Mining, Farming, Raiding, M
description_04 edic, and more! \n Balanced PvE server W. Custom maps, monuments, NPC's and EVENTS. \n Roleplay-frie
description_05 ndly server with a social Rust community. \n Vehicle spawns and JETPACKS! Free Skinbox for everyone.
description_06 \n Start with Tier 1 Blueprints. \n Earn titles & rewards for time spent. Interactive quests & cust
description_07 om missions. \n View player ranks on our website. \n Earn VIP & kits with in-game currency. \n Faste
description_08 r industrial conveyor & smelting speeds. \n Unique NPCs & boss NPCs as Heroes & Villains. \n Over 10
description_09 0 raidable bases, Defendable homes & raiding zombies. \n Monthly BP wipes, skill wipes every 3 month
description_10 s. Larger stack sizes. \n Quality of life plugins faster smelting, stackable crates, recycler speed.
description_11 \n Active admins enforcing rules. No racism, harassment, or abuse allowed.