ID 326302
Game Rust
Server name ●MadMax Vanilla●
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 0/200
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 10 minutes ago
Rule key Value
build 107410.0
description_00 Madmax is a casual vanilla PvP server catering for beginners and seasoned veterans alike, with redu
description_01 ced upkeep... so it's not all about gathering mats.\n◎Monthly Map wipe in 26 days (2024/12/05).\n◎Bi
description_02 -monthly BP wipe in 54 days (2025/01/02).\n◉60% reduced upkeep\n◉increased turret count\n\n●Read the
description_03 rules below, ignorance is not an excuse!\n●Admin is available via Discord(TEXT CHAT ONLY).\n●Max pi
description_04 ng allowed is 180ms\n●NO VAC bans in the last year\n●Max team size: 4\n\n◉Rules\n☒Dont's\n◌Dont offl
description_05 ine... kill sleepers so they know who raided them.\n◌Dont wall off Points of Interest.\n◌Dont be a c
description_06 rayon to other players, mods or admins.\nobviously we cant expect you to wait until your targets are
description_07 online,\nbut if you cosistently raid only when the server is empty or at 3AM then we\nwill take act
description_08 ion ;)\n\n☑Do's\n◌Do be lekker!\n◌feel free to contact admin with suggestions (Note: this is a vanil
description_09 la server, I'm not adding mods)\n◌maybe try bring a low hours players into your team and help em out
description_10 a bit.\n◌if someone's being a crayon, let admin know.\n\n●If you feel you have unfairly been banned
description_11 for vac reasons contact admin\n●If you are b