ID 326317
Game Rust
Server name - SEA Medium
Mod Rust
Map Rustafied Custom Map
Players 98/200
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 day ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
rachell 0 7 hours
tristan 0 7 hours
sherley 0 7 hours
contessa 0 6 hours
jenise 0 6 hours
toby 0 6 hours
sara 0 6 hours
concha 0 6 hours
elvina 0 6 hours
micaela 0 6 hours
lakeesha 0 6 hours
andera 0 6 hours
marlon 0 5 hours
shameka 0 5 hours
0 5 hours
peter 0 5 hours
gemma 0 4 hours
elissa 0 4 hours
jaymie 0 4 hours
ema 0 4 hours
chun 0 4 hours
emmie 0 4 hours
sarah 0 4 hours
vallie 0 4 hours
kendra 0 4 hours
marlin 0 4 hours
mao 0 3 hours
anja 0 3 hours
felisha 0 3 hours
marquerite 0 3 hours
stacie 0 3 hours
xenia 0 3 hours
bobbi 0 3 hours
lynwood 0 3 hours
ilene 0 3 hours
sharri 0 3 hours
kristopher 0 2 hours
tiffany 0 2 hours
fermin 0 2 hours
alexander 0 2 hours
ashton 0 2 hours
martina 0 2 hours
nita 0 2 hours
kali 0 2 hours
rolland 0 2 hours
saul 0 2 hours
kathi 0 2 hours
tiffaney 0 2 hours
lucila 0 2 hours
roscoe 0 1 hour
linda 0 1 hour
0 1 hour
marlana 0 1 hour
richard 0 1 hour
lashawna 0 1 hour
chanel 0 1 hour
eleanor 0 1 hour
james 0 1 hour
cathryn 0 1 hour
sybil 0 1 hour
dulcie 0 1 hour
arlena 0 1 hour
syreeta 0 1 hour
rodrick 0 1 hour
destiny 0 1 hour
marianna 0 1 hour
pamala 0 1 hour
rebbecca 0 1 hour
gilda 0 1 hour
gilda 0 58 minutes
sixta 0 55 minutes
freddy 0 49 minutes
leora 0 47 minutes
eve 0 40 minutes
sudie 0 39 minutes
evangeline 0 39 minutes
ligia 0 36 minutes
vita 0 33 minutes
jeri 0 33 minutes
aundrea 0 29 minutes
cathryn 0 29 minutes
lavada 0 26 minutes
romana 0 20 minutes
marissa 0 19 minutes
cinthia 0 19 minutes
hien 0 17 minutes
marco 0 15 minutes
lenita 0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
Rule key Value
fps 17.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
pve False
hash 5cacdceb
build 117111.0
gc_cl 210.0
gc_mb 5324.0
world 4250.0
status stok
uptime 26697.0
ent_cnt 262641.0
fps_avg 18.22
ram_sys 0.0
headerimage Medium.png
description_00 Wipe: Biweekly (2-weeks) on Thursdays @ 3PM Singapore time (or when forced)\nBase Pop: 200+ players
description_01 | Map size: 4000 | BP Wipe: Monthly\n\n\tREPORT A PLAYER: or in-game using /report\
description_02 n\n\tSTORE:\t\t|\tSUPPORT:\n\tRULES:\t
description_03 \t|\tDISCORD:\n\nWhat to expect:\n\t- High quality gameplay and player experien
description_04 ce\n\t- Player based map voting for upcoming wipes\n\t- Custom anti-cheat and active server moderati
description_05 on\n\t- Hosted on the highest-end server infrastructure available