ID 326356
Game Rust
Server name The Fallen Ones | 5X | Raidable Bases | No Decay
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 2/100
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 minutes ago
Rule key Value
build 107591.0
description_00 Welcome to Norddream Island... Norddream Island is a map on which many custom places to build a bas
description_01 e are waiting for you, such as: an underwater place, a glass sphere in the snow, many places with a
description_02 ready-to-use farm, floating islands, modern houses, underground places and many others. All custom p
description_03 laces are marked on the map. • 5X • Increased Stacks • Short Nights • Faster Recycle • Faster Craft
description_04 ing • Faster Smelting • No Garbage Loot • Tier 1 & Electric BP's Unlocked • No Workbench Tax • Fur
description_05 nace Splitter • Legacy Patrol Heli • 5 Minute Hackable Crates • No Decay •Unlimited Mini Fuel...wit
description_06 h /mymini •Instant Gather when using hatchet and pickaxe •Deployable Nature tree's, p
description_07 lants, rocks, animals, and various furniture with Scrap to decorate your base .../naturemarket or
description_08 /nm •Don't forget to get your free weekly starter kit every 6 days! Join our Discord by clicking
description_09 on the "VIEW WEBSITE" button below. Help grow our community. Make suggestions for new plugins. ----
description_10 --Events------ •Raidable Bases •Airfield Event •Cargo Plane Crash •Flying Cargo Ship ------Global P
description_11 lug-ins------ •Auto Engine Parts (low grade/u