ID 326456
Game Rust
Server name RAIDEN RUST PvE 2x+ Leveling|Zombies|Shop|Events
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 7/80
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 9 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 115870.0
description_00 **Server Runs Economics, Server Shop and most features require coins**\n Hosted from Central US.\n\n
description_01 Friendly Server for PvE Content, Server Shop to buy and sell what you want, Leveling system with sta
description_02 ts that improves Combat, Scientist's and Zombies roam the world! Player loot is protected and can on
description_03 ly be shared by giving access with (/share name) while looking at containers! Raiding and Player Kil
description_04 ling is disabled! -more features below.\n\n Wipes Bi-Weekly or when forced, BP Wipes monthly! Wipes
description_05 are at 01:00PM CST Thursdays.\n Money and Levels DO NOT WIPE!\n Backpacks , Quarries, Inventories WI
description_06 LL WIPE\n\n Visit our Discord Channel Link in Web page button!\n\n Multiple Events spawn for greater
description_07 challenges such as: \n-Raidable Bases\n-Dangerous Treasures\n-Bradley Reinforcments\n-Endless Cargo
description_08 \n-Guarded Crates\n-Helicopter Tiers from Scrap to Elite\n-Convoy\n-Boss's\n\n\n ---FEATURES---\n\n-
description_09 Taxi Driver\n-Stack Size increased\n-Cupboard/Storages Store 2X+ Resources\n-Personal Recycler\n-Gua
description_10 rded Crates\n-Level up with perks and stats!\n-Vote for Money (with Vote Rank Titles)\n-Always Rotat
description_11 e and Demolish with hammer\n-Furnace Splitter\n-GUI Shop with almost everything!\n-Bradle