ID 326581
Game Rust
Server name [US] 2x Monthly | No BP Wipes | Shared BPs
Mod Rust
Map Rust Elevated Generated Maps
Players 0/144
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 weeks ago
Rule key Value
build 106584.0
description_00 SERVER LAUNCHED ON 06/06/2024. MAKE US YOUR NEW HOME!\n\n No P2W. Link your Steam & Discord accounts
description_01 for FREE Skins in-game.\n Support us with a Premium / VIP / Elite Membership in Discord!\n\n ♦ Bett
description_02 er Maps w/Shorter Nights\n ♦ Merged Outpost / Bandit Camp\n ♦ Map Size: 3900 | Max Group Size: 16 (i
description_03 ncludes people offline)\n ♦ Map Wipes Monthly on Force Wipe @ 2:00PM CST\n ♦ No BP Wipes / Shared BP
description_04 's with teammates\n ♦ 2x Resource, Components & Scrap\n ♦ FREE Skins (Set crafting skins, skin inven
description_05 tory & placed items)\n ♦ Skin / Re-Skin Entire Base from your TC and view Auth'd Players\n ♦ Raid Al
description_06 arm: Alerts you via Rust+ when your base is damaged\n ♦ Tier 1 Workbench junk unlocked\n ♦ Junk loot
description_07 removed from barrels, boxes & crates\n ♦ Building Workbench (Workbench Radius Extended)\n ♦ Reduced
description_08 Crafting Times & Quick Smelt\n ♦ Random Spawns & Respawns\n ♦ Extra Recyclers & Faster Recycling Ti
description_09 mes\n ♦ Auto Turret Authorization for TC users\n ♦ Your own SAM's won't shoot at you\n ♦ Small Chanc
description_10 e of Mini's Spawn on Roads\n ♦ Trading (/trade or /ltrade)\n ♦ Clans REBORN (/clanhelp)\n ♦ Powerful
description_11 Servers with DDoS Protection and Intrusion Pre