ID 326605
Game Rust
Server name [US] Rust Nation PVE 10x - Zombies - No BPs
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 2/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 11 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 [US] Rust Nation PVE 10x No BPs Bi-Weekly\n\nFeatures:\n✦ Building Skins, BGrade, Removal Tool, MyMi
description_01 ni, MyHeli and MyAttack.\n✦ Skins, Heli, Kits, TP, Homes\n✦ Raidable Bases\n✦ There are no Blueprint
description_02 s requires, you can craft whatever you want from the beginning\n✦ Test your defenses with NPC Raider
description_03 s\n✦ Convoy, Armored Train, Harbor, Jets and Airfield Events\n✦ Deploy Bradley or the attack Heli si
description_04 gnal and fight for extra loot\n✦ Defend your loot from barrels from Bears, Wolfs, Grenade, or Scarec
description_05 rows\n✦ Fight off the Huntsman as he tries to get revenge for killing an animal\n✦ Ride the railways
description_06 in the tunnels on the automated trains\n✦ Improve your buffs with Skill Tree\n✦ Use Economy to buy
description_07 items in the shop\n✦ Custom loot in more objects\n✦ Zombies patrol the map at night\n✦ Bases become
description_08 raidable after 7 days of Inactivity\n✦ You or your Teammate must logon once every 7 days to keep you
description_09 r base from being raided\n✦ Claim your prize with our Giveaway\n✦ Join the Rust Nation and have fun\
description_10 n\nServer rules:\n1.) No Hacking, glitching, or exploiting.\n2.) Respect Staff.\n3.) No foundation o
description_11 r item spam.\n4.) No Slurs, racism, hate speech or to