ID 326627
Game Rust
Server name Uranus: 1 Grid 5x|NO-BPs|Kits|Free Home Recyclers|One grid smal
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 0/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 minute ago
Rule key Value
build 107591.0
description_00 Uranus Servers (New One-Grid Server - WIPES Every Thursday) \n\n-5x speed for Recycler, Crafting, Ai
description_01 rdrops, Gather\n-Start with a free placable recycler and test generator for your base.\n-No Trash -
description_02 Custom Loot\n-BPs Unlocked for Free\n-Free skinbox and Building skins.\n-Free water bases.\n-Free Su
description_03 pply Grenade every 30 min\n-No Turret limit\n-16 Team limit\n-Free DLC Sunburn, Instruments and Voic
description_04 e props pack. \n-Free Full kit with tommy every 30 min and other free kits. \n-Place down your own q
description_05 uarries and pumpjacks for free (You can craft survey charges). \n-Other free plugins including: Sort
description_06 button, Auto furnace splitter, Sign artist, Building Grades, Trade, Team TC-Turret-lock Auth. \n-Ot
description_07 her server features: Skip night, Custom Loot, Cars Spawn With Parts, Buy Cards at Fishing villages,
description_08 boats dont drift to shore. \n-Fishing villages have: Airwolf, Spawn point for extra airdrops (every
description_09 6h), Steam Items loot spawns! \n\n-We Love What We do, come play and have fun.. for free! \n-client.
description_10 connect\n\n-- Rules: DO NOT Cheat in any way or form. DO NOT do anything illeg
description_11 al. DO NOT say the N word.