ID 326673
Game Rust
Server name Untam3d Oasis |5x|Monthly|Tug Bases|Underwater Domes|Water and
Mod Rust
Map Oasis
Players 0/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 50 seconds ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 117366.0
description_00 Welcome to Untam3d Oasis part of UZI Gaming! We're a BIWeekly Clan that wipes on the first Thursday
description_01 . Installed Plugins: AbsoluteSorter, Archery, AutoCodeLock, AutoDoors, AutoFuel, AutomatedEvents
description_02 , AutomatedSearchLights, AutoUpgrade, Backpacks, BetterAttachments, BetterElectricity, BetterLoot, B
description_03 luePrintShare, BountyNET, BuildingGrades, BuildingHealth, BuildingWorkBench, BuriedTreasure, ChestSt
description_04 acks, Chute, Clans, CraftQueueSaver, DangerousTreasures, DeathMarker, DeathNotes, DynamicCupShare, E
description_05 conomics, FancyDrop, Friends, FurnaceSplitter, GatherRewards, Hacker, HeliVote, HomeRecycler, HomesG
description_06 UI, InstantBuy, InstantCraft, InstantResearch, ItemPuller, Jpipes, Kits, LightsOn, LockOnRockets, Ne
description_07 onSkins, NoDecay, NoDurability, NoEscape, PerfectRepair, PlaneCrash, PlayerChallenges, PowerlessTurr
description_08 ets, PowerSmelt, PrivateMessages, RecycleBluePrints, RemoteTurrets, RemoverTool, RustNET, RustReward
description_09 s, SamSiteAuth, ScrapHeliStorage, SecureChests, SecurityCameras, SecurityLights, SentryTurrets, Serv
description_10 erRewards, SharedDoors, SignArtist, Skills, SkinBox, StacksExtended, TCManager, TeleportGUI, TownTel
description_11 eport, Trade, TrophySigns, TurretBox, Uplifted, VehicleLicense, WaterBases.