ID 326842
Game Rust
Server name Rusty Spoon US PVE 5x [Events|Raids|Quests|Zombies|SkillTree]
Mod Rust
Players 116/150
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 4 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
0 19 hours
emelia 0 19 hours
fausto 0 18 hours
otelia 0 18 hours
tran 0 17 hours
ute 0 15 hours
adrien 0 15 hours
anastacia 0 15 hours
marcy 0 15 hours
joycelyn 0 14 hours
kimbra 0 14 hours
bradford 0 13 hours
adaline 0 13 hours
chase 0 13 hours
bess 0 11 hours
meryl 0 11 hours
jolyn 0 11 hours
denna 0 11 hours
gudrun 0 11 hours
rolande 0 10 hours
jerrica 0 10 hours
josef 0 10 hours
leeanne 0 10 hours
0 9 hours
gertude 0 9 hours
crista 0 9 hours
nichelle 0 8 hours
0 8 hours
tessie 0 8 hours
latisha 0 7 hours
coretta 0 7 hours
chante 0 6 hours
maurice 0 6 hours
minna 0 6 hours
shayne 0 6 hours
belva 0 6 hours
codi 0 6 hours
jennie 0 6 hours
madison 0 6 hours
velma 0 5 hours
ivey 0 5 hours
joi 0 5 hours
jaqueline 0 4 hours
errol 0 4 hours
omar 0 4 hours
ciera 0 4 hours
tamiko 0 4 hours
mercedez 0 4 hours
karri 0 4 hours
kimbra 0 4 hours
ayesha 0 4 hours
sally 0 4 hours
beth 0 3 hours
cathey 0 3 hours
eladia 0 2 hours
regena 0 2 hours
janay 0 2 hours
carson 0 2 hours
khadijah 0 2 hours
lavenia 0 2 hours
jesse 0 2 hours
china 0 2 hours
wallace 0 2 hours
arvilla 0 2 hours
marvel 0 2 hours
karina 0 1 hour
concha 0 1 hour
philomena 0 1 hour
corazon 0 1 hour
newton 0 1 hour
brittney 0 1 hour
emory 0 1 hour
edmundo 0 1 hour
gloria 0 1 hour
jarrod 0 1 hour
aleta 0 1 hour
aldo 0 1 hour
denis 0 1 hour
delmer 0 57 minutes
retta 0 49 minutes
clair 0 43 minutes
angeline 0 42 minutes
annelle 0 39 minutes
beth 0 38 minutes
alejandra 0 38 minutes
jeanene 0 37 minutes
earle 0 37 minutes
collin 0 35 minutes
ruebe 0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
0 just now
Rule key Value
fps 15.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
hash 21fa7dfc
build 115912.0
gc_cl 561.0
gc_mb 9999.0
ent_cnt 269513.0
fps_avg 16.48
description_00 • 5x PVE Server \n• Skill Tree to boost gather, loot, damage, etc. Even call in your own MLRS. \n• H
description_01 and-built custom loot tables for every object in the game. \n• Raidable Bases with over 250 bases re
description_02 ady to raid!! \n• Replaced and added a ton of scientists to make roaming more exciting. \n• Zombie H
description_03 ordes and Custom spawning zombies. \n• Roaming bosses scattered across the map, protecting their tur
description_04 f. \n• Shop to buy and sell items for in-game currency. \n• Virtual Quarries and Pumpjacks for all y
description_05 our afk farming needs. \n• Skin your things with over 6500 skins available. \n• Call in NPC's to rai
description_06 d your base! \n• Harbor Event. \n• Armored Train Event. \n• Convoy Event. \n• Sputnik Event \n• Surv
description_07 ival Arena PVP Event \n• Always running custom maps further customized with buildable locations!