ID 327044
Game Rust
Server name [3/6] BCR Original PvPvE | 4x | PvP Zones | Raid Bases | Noob F
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 6/125
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 minute ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Blue Collar Rust Original PvPvE is a hybrid server that offers PvP Zones at all major monuments and
description_01 world spawn events. There are also NPC Bases for raiding and countering, and Zombie Hordes. Player b
description_02 ases do not take damage anywhere else on the map. Our servers are aimed toward working adults who do
description_03 n’t want to lose everything when logging off for the night and we strive for a toxic-free community.
description_04 \n\n-- Two-Week Wipes w/ Purge before wipe. PvP and raiding is fully enabled for the final 36 hours
description_05 before a wipe\n-- Very friendly modded server with an active community on Discord\n-- Free Trial VIP
description_06 memberships\n-- Custom 4x Loot Table and 4x gather rate\n-- Custom Raidable NPC Bases with NPC defe
description_07 nders\n-- Abandoned Bases after 96 hours (4 days) offline\n-- Additional Bradley that drives along t
description_08 he ring road across the entire map\n-- Custom NPCs and NPC bosses\n-- Spawn personal boat, minicopte
description_09 r, submarine, or horse\n-- Backpacks\n-- Increased Stack Sizes\n-- Enhanced Hammer\n-- Remover tool\
description_10 n-- Zombie Hordes\n-- Quicker crafting, smelting and recycling\n-- Teleportation with /home, /bandit
description_11 , /outpost, and /town\n-- Clans (up to 8 players) with auto authorization and code lock