ID 327066
Game Rust
Server name RUSTOLUTION.GG 2x Monthly | Solo Duo Trio Quad | 50% Upkeep | N
Mod Rust
Players 31/150
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 3 days ago
Player's name Score Duration
kallie 0 6 hours
cyrstal 0 5 hours
era 0 4 hours
kelle 0 4 hours
sharda 0 4 hours
josefina 0 3 hours
angla 0 3 hours
lexie 0 2 hours
silas 0 2 hours
lydia 0 2 hours
tyron 0 2 hours
margaret 0 1 hour
andrea 0 1 hour
lani 0 1 hour
ariana 0 1 hour
amberly 0 1 hour
cecille 0 1 hour
eduardo 0 1 hour
kristi 0 47 minutes
mckenzie 0 45 minutes
essie 0 33 minutes
fannie 0 31 minutes
kristal 0 26 minutes
alphonse 0 21 minutes
felicia 0 18 minutes
wilhelmina 0 18 minutes
kristi 0 16 minutes
stefan 0 12 minutes
octavia 0 8 minutes
mitchell 0 7 minutes
ok 0 2 minutes
Rule key Value
fps 30.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
hash 75680.0
build 109665.0
gc_cl 235.0
gc_mb 3368.0
ent_cnt 112910.0
fps_avg 29.87
description_00 ===Welcome to RUSTOLUTION.GG===\n Wipe: 1st Thursday of each month @ 2 PM EST (No BP Wipe)\n\n VIP P
description_01 ERKS -\n DISCORD -\n\n ===FEATURES===\n -FREE SKINNER - (skinb
description_02 ox, skinitem, skincraft)\n -FREE BUILDING SKINS - All building skins\n -RAID ALARM - Alerts you via
description_03 Rust+ when your base is damaged\n -50% UPKEEP - For easy upkeep and big bases\n -CONVOY EVENT - Armo
description_04 red convoy you can fight for loot\n -AUTO AUTH - Auto auth teammates on TC/locks/turrets\n -FURNACE
description_05 FILLER - Easily load/unload furnaces\n -PREMIUM LOOT TABLES - 2x with junk removed\n -SHORT NIGHTS -
description_06 5 Minutes \n -Some mini helis and boats spawn\n -Extra recyclers/repair/research bench at dome, oil
description_07 rig, fishing, ranch, and cargo\n\n ===RULES===\n -No VAC or Steam game bans within 90 days\n -No EAC
description_08 bans within 180 days\n -No more than 2 total bans\n -No racism or homophobia\n -Follow the team lim
description_09 it (max 4), no allies, but may swap teammates\n Complete rules can be found at our website, discord,
description_10 and /rules in game\n [RS-b1e5bf4b]