ID 327293
Game Rust
Server name US Rusty Rats 2x Monthly Solo/Quad|50% Upkeep|No BP Wipes
Mod Rust
Map Rusty Rats FPS+
Players 8/200
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 5 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
fps 40.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
build 114035.0
gc_cl 219.0
gc_mb 2110.0
ent_cnt 94179.0
fps_avg 39.98
description_00 Welcome to Rusty Rats!\n\n--> Map Wipes Monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month @ 2 PM EST\n--> Blu
description_01 eprints don't wipe unless forced by Facepunch\n--> Team Limit 4 (Online|Offline|No Allies)\n--> 50%
description_02 Upkeep\n--> VIP (no pay2win) - Redeem VIP at no cost by using points earned from your playtime\n-->
description_03 Raid Alarm - When your base comes under attack, Rust+ will notify you of the event\n--> Active, frie
description_04 ndly and non playing admins\n--> Some minicopters and boats will spawn\n--> Extra recyclers at place
description_05 s like Dome, Oil Rig, Ranches, Large Barns and Fishing Villages\n--> Drone marketplaces can be found
description_06 at all Fishing Villages and Ranches\n--> Bandit Camp is merged into outpost for better FPS performa
description_07 nce\n\nMods Include:\n--> 2x Resources, 2x Excavator, 2x Quarries, 1.5x Sulfur/2x Components with ju
description_08 nk removed\n--> 2x Smelt, Recycling, and Stack Sizes\n--> Auto Auth\n--> Furnace Splitter\n--> Short
description_09 Nights\n--> Box Sorter\n--> Sign Artist\n--> Premium SkinBox\n--> And so much more! View commands w
description_10 ith /commands