ID 327497
Game Rust
Server name [NA] SVG--Solo/Duo/Trio|Non-Toxic, No Grief, Active Admins
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 1/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 hour ago
Rule key Value
build 109665.0
description_00 \nWelcome to Serenity Valley! \n We are a mature, newbie-friendly server, welcoming all Rust players
description_01 . Let us know how we can improve your experience by leaving a note for @staff on our Discord: https:
description_02 // \nMap wiped 05 Dec. Next 06 Jan. Check Discord for details.\n Blueprints wiped
description_03 1 August. Next 06 Jan. \n \nOur rules here are pretty simple: \n Treat one another with basic mutua
description_04 l respect and dignity. \n Don't cheat. \n Don't grief. \n Don't do stuff to intentionally ruin so
description_05 meone else's fun. \n Speak English in the chat. \n \nWe break it down a lot more on our website: ht
description_06 tp:// \n \nNeed an admin? Just type: Admin, [state your problem]. If no admi
description_07 ns answer right away, send us a message on Discord. \nFAQ: \n 1. Is raiding allowed? Yes. \n 2. C
description_08 an I swear? Yes, but leave hateful and racist speech at the door. Also, if your profile is full of s
description_09 wastikas and shit, you can expect to be banned. \n 3. Can I take over bases? No, and you should rea
description_10 d our rules page about raid etiquette. \n 4. But I didn't read the rules, can I just get a warning?
description_11 Probably not, no. \n 5. When's whip? 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. \n \n \nMODS