ID 327566
Game Rust
Server name JP Tokyo SAMURAI トーキョーサムライ [Vanilla] [Trio]
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 14/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 day ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
marlyn 0 8 hours
bobette 0 4 hours
shelba 0 3 hours
ching 0 3 hours
linsey 0 3 hours
bernarda 0 2 hours
tenisha 0 1 hour
chauncey 0 1 hour
bertram 0 36 minutes
sherman 0 26 minutes
martine 0 21 minutes
elmo 0 17 minutes
millard 0 14 minutes
ladawn 0 4 minutes
Rule key Value
build 114035.0
description_00 See below for the English desctription.\n\n日本人向けのバニラ PvP サーバーです。\n\n特徴:\n・公式サーバーに近い環境\n・マップが大きめ\n・最大
description_01 3 人チームによるフェアな PvP (チーミング/物資共有禁止)\n\nワイプ:\nマップ&BP-毎週金曜日 21 時 (日本時間)、および毎月アプデ時。\n(再起動: 毎日 5 時, 17 時)\
description_02 n\n※ Discord に参加し、必ず禁止事項などをご確認ください。\n [ウェブページ] ボタンより参加できます。\n\n管理人 たさまん (Tasaman)\n\n\nVanilla Tri
description_03 o PvP / Operated for Japanese (or speakers).\n\nIF YOU ARE NOT A JAPANESE SPEAKER, please eliminate
description_04 the following risk to zero.\n\nRISK LIST:\n- Using VPN\n- Using sub-accounts\n- Rust played-hours on
description_05 Steam profile is private\n- Steam friends are private\n\nand please be sure to check the server rul
description_06 es on the Discord. (via [VIEW WEBPAGE] button.)\nFailure to comply will result in a BAN without noti
description_07 ce.\n\nWipe Schedule:\nBPs - Friday 21:00 (UTC+09:00)\nMap - Friday 21:00 (UTC+09:00)\n * and whe
description_08 n the official updates.\nRestart - everyday 05:00, 17:00 (UTC+09:00)\n\nRules (about):\n- No hacking
description_09 / scripting\n- No intentio