ID 327613
Game Rust
Server name Intoxicated ZA Solo/Duo/Trio 2x - 13 Mar - Just wiped
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 31/120
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 21 seconds ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
hanh 0 4 hours
veronica 0 4 hours
glady 0 4 hours
tari 0 4 hours
vonnie 0 4 hours
stefania 0 4 hours
theodora 0 4 hours
nada 0 4 hours
felipe 0 4 hours
concepcion 0 4 hours
anya 0 4 hours
venessa 0 4 hours
arletta 0 4 hours
denyse 0 4 hours
diann 0 4 hours
layne 0 3 hours
felipa 0 3 hours
corrina 0 3 hours
weldon 0 3 hours
margaretta 0 3 hours
sharan 0 3 hours
juliet 0 3 hours
cornell 0 2 hours
armand 0 2 hours
etsuko 0 2 hours
shawna 0 2 hours
florentina 0 2 hours
tanesha 0 2 hours
melany 0 16 minutes
cleotilde 0 16 minutes
Rule key Value
fps 240.0
gmn rust
gmt Survival
pve false
hash 63bc38ae
build 116504.0
gc_cl 110.0
gc_mb 3597.0
world 3600.0
uptime 16011.0
ent_cnt 82687.0
fps_avg 238.67
description_0 Near-vanilla gameplay with balanced 2x rates and staggered tech tree that unlocks tech over the days
description_1 following BP wipes. No more than 3 players per team. Map is wiped every Thursday. Blueprints are wi
description_2 ped on the first Thursday of every month. Last wipe: 13 Mar (map only) - Next: 20 Mar @ 17:30 GMT+2
description_3 (map only) The admin does not play. There's absolutely no admin influence when it comes to gameplay
description_4 , unfair advantages, pay to win bullshit or bias towards anyone. Updates:
description_5 | | No more than 3 team members may be online at once, incl
description_6 uding alliances, roaming and raiding (rotating is allowed). Trading is allowed but you should use sh
description_7 opfronts or vending machines with value for both parties. Working together above the limit will get
description_8 all involved players temporarily banned from all team-restricted servers.