ID 327694
Game Rust
Server name [AU/NZ] Upsurge 3x | Solo/Duo/Trio | 26/3
Mod Rust
Map Monthly BPs / 3 Max / FPS+ Maps
Players 2/200
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 days ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 117366.0
description_00 Wiped twice weekly on Sunday at 10AM AEST and Wednesday at 3PM AEST (Midday on holidays), Blueprints
description_01 wipe every month with update (Force wipe).\n\nDiscord (For Rules and information): https://upsurger
description_02\n\n- 3x Resource rates (Including Excavator)\n- Half crafting speeds and improved Sm
description_03 elting\n- Component system loot (No junk items)\n\nGroup limit rules:\n- Max 3 players per team, thi
description_04 s includes people who are offline\n- No exceptions are made for allies, neighbors, hotels, friends,
description_05 slaves or smaller groups\n- You cannot make arrangements not to kill each other / work together in a
description_06 nyway\n- Trading is only allowed via Vending machines (Drones only preferred), and safezones (Outpos
description_07 t, Barns, Fishing Villages)(We have made Shopfronts available at Large Fishing Village, Large Barn a
description_08 nd Outpost)\n- Swapping players is allowed however all bags / beds must be destroyed, all auth clear
description_09 ed (Codelocks, Tool Cupboard, Auto Turrets). Ignoring this may result in being banned.\n\nThe rules
description_10 may not cover every possible scenario, therefore the Upsurge staff reserves the right to handle uniq
description_11 ue situations on a case by case basis.