ID 328523
Game Rust
Server name [US] BUMFUZZLERBUILD - 20x|PVE|Kit|TP|Insta|Super Skins|FULL WI
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 1/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 days ago
Rule key Value
build 109665.0
description_00 If you like to BUILD you've come to the right place, but it's so much more! UNIQUE experience! CUSTO
description_01 M FEATURES found no where else, FRIENDLY community & ACTIVE Admins!\n\n♕ 20x Loot | ♠ 20x Gather | ☮
description_02 ️ PVE | ☀ Bi-Weekly wipes: 1st Thursday, 2nd Sunday\n✪ ADMIN INTEGRITY, admins & moderators don't pl
description_03 ay, only manage the server\n\nNEW PLAYER EASY STARTUP\n--------------------------------\n➀ 50% damag
description_04 e & radiation reduction until LVL 7 ➁ Require 50% less food & water until LVL 7 ➂ Medicine 50% more
description_05 effective until LVL 7 ➃ Undetected by all AI until LVL 7 unless aggressive\n\nCUSTOM FEATURES ONLY F
description_06 OUND HERE\n--------------------------------\n✩ 30 Prestige Levels unlock features with time played\n
description_07 ✩ Prestige loyalty points sync across all Bumfuzzler servers\n✩ Personal NPC raids test your base de
description_08 signs\n✩ Weapon Evolution allows weapon upgrades to more powerful versions\n✩ Firework displays at n
description_09 ight drop loot\n✩ Super Skins give dodge, more damage and gathering power\n✩ Floating foundations al
description_10 low building water bases\n✩ Craft drones for stealthy recon missions\n✩ Jason Voorhees & Freddy Krue
description_11 ger bosses, hockey mask, claws, nuff said\n✩ Lead