ID 330254
Game Rust
Server name Rustko US Vanilla | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Biweekly WIPE 03/06
Mod Rust
Players 0/75
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 9 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Click View Webpage to join our Discord: \n \nVeterans and noobs are welcome. We s
description_01 trive to be noob friendly and help others to learn, so please be nice and considerate to others. \n
description_02 \nServer Features \n✔ Custom Map, Minicopters on Road, Combined Outpost & Bandit, Reyclers at Fishin
description_03 g Village\n✔ NO LAG, High Performance Dedicated Box in US East\n✔ Vanilla Experience w/ Decreased De
description_04 cay, Decreased Rain & Fog Chance \n✔ Active Admins & Mods, Reports In-Game and Discord Monitored 24/
description_05 7\n✔ Biweekly Wipes on 1st and 3rd Thursday, 2PM EST (Last Wiped: 03/06) \n \nGlobal Rules \n- No ch
description_06 eating, exploits, scripting, and no game bans in the past year \n- No racism, homophobia or discrimi
description_07 nation \n- Mature space, no trolls or excessively toxic players \n- VPNs permitted, but we may reque
description_08 st you temporarily disable it \n- We discourage offline raiding, and griefing of bases, please onlin
description_09 e other players when possible to help everyone learn \n \nTeam Size Rules \n- Group Limit: 4\n- Team
description_10 mates are not required to share a base, but anyone on your team may not exceed the group limit \n- T
description_11 eam swaps are for the wipe, removed players may not return to your team until t