ID 330906
Game Rust
Server name [US] TheRustyOre 2x Vanilla Solo|Duo|Trio|Quad|US|WEEKLY|WIPED
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 0/150
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 3 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
fps 177.0
gmn vanilla
gmt Vanilla
hash 28b
build 116504.0
gc_cl 163.0
gc_mb 1886.0
ent_cnt 61604.0
fps_avg 165.58
description_00 Welcome to TheRustyOre 2x Vanilla+ Solo|Duo|Trio|Quad\n3500 Map Size\n2x Gather, 2x Stack, 2x Smelt
description_01 Time, 2x Craft time\n\nWant to help support the server? Buy VIP @ (Inclu
description_02 des Queue Skip, Skinbox, FurnaceSplitter, Map Preview, Box Sorter, Sign Artist and more to come...\n
description_03 \nWipes are every Friday at 5pm EST\n\nMap Wiped 3/14/25\nNext Map Wipe - 3/21/25\nLast BP Wipe - 3/
description_04 6/24\nNext BP Wipe - 4/3/25\n\n\nQuestions? Help? Join our Discord\n\nN
description_05 eed an Admin? Use #support in discord\n\nRULES\n\n1. There is a limit to the amount of allowed playe
description_06 rs on code locks and toolcupboards.\n2. There is a limit to the amount of allowed players when it co
description_07 mes to bags/beds allowed in a base/compound (same owners as on the TC).\n3. There is a limit to the
description_08 amount of allowed players allowed to group up at any point in the game.\n4. No Slurs or Racism.\n5.
description_09 No excessive toxicity.\n6. Respect the staff.\n7. Need a wall or item removed for upgrades or mista
description_10 kes? Contact an admin on discord\n