ID 331835
Game Rust
Server name NachoMamasTacos | Frostland Custom Map |
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 0/37
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 1 minute ago
Rule key Value
build 109268.0
description_00 Hola Amigos!\n\nNachoMamasTacos Rust server is aiming for a non-toxic environment to explore and hav
description_01 e fun without having to worry about offline raids and asshats.\n\nWe've got custom maps every month,
description_02 quality of life mods and events to make monuments more challenging and rewarding.\n\n- Skin Box - F
description_03 or your best drip\n- Building Skins - Upgrade your base as you like!\n- BetterNPC - Many monuments a
description_04 nd events will have extra bots to murder and loot.\n- Convoy Event - Bradly with guards patrol the r
description_05 oads.\n- Guarded Crate - More bots to kill\n- Raidable Bases - NPC bases to raid and loot\n- Meteor
description_06 Event - Because meteors!\n- Admin Shops - Many DLC items available for scrap\n- Backpacks - An extra
description_07 backpack.\n- Sortable crates - A simple sort button on crates\n- Kits - Scrap for kits.\n- Server R
description_08 ewards - Special perks for play time and killing bots.\n- Increased stacking for resources, food, me
description_09 ds, & more.\n- Sleepers cannot be killed or looted.\n- Offline raid protection\n\nBP's, Yellow Backp
description_10 ack contents, Server Reward Pts, and VIP perks survive wipes.\n\n- Be respectful (non-toxic).\n- Avo
description_11 id Kill On Sight\n- Don't raid obvious role play bases or bases marked as such.\n- Outwar