ID 332300
Game Rust
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 1/150
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 6 days ago
Rule key Value
build 101978.0
description_00 As this server is still under development, features will be changed/added as time goes on!\nJoin us
description_01 on discord to have input on feature requests, etc...\n\nWIPE SCHEDULE: First FRIDAY Of Every Month,
description_02 MAP + BPS\n\nFeature/Plugin List\n\nCustom Events\nArmored Train\nDangerous Treasures\n\nServer Rewa
description_03 rds! Earn Points In Alot Of Ways To Spend On The Ingame Store!\nYou Can Even Use Them For VIP!\n\nDe
description_04 cay Rate Halved!\n\nElectricity Changes;\nRoot Combiners Accept Input From Any Source\n\nVehicle Sup
description_05 ply Drops!, Craft the supply drop with the craft menu inside a workbech\nor head to OUTPOST and purc
description_06 hase one from the new vending machine!\n\nALL LEVEL 1 BP'S UNLOCKED\nBetter TC\nCraft Menu - Additio
description_07 nal Crafting Within Workbenches!\nDeploy Code Locks On Vehicles\nModified Stack Sizes!\nTrade (/trad
description_08 e) Anything Safely From A Distance\nCrafting Rates - Craft Items Quicker\nFree SKINBOX!\nLock-On Roc
description_09 kets!\nPlane Crash Event!\nWorkbench Range - Extends to ENTIRE Base (TC Range)\nRemover Tool - (/rem
description_10 ove)\nBackpacks! (/help backpacks) - 2 Rows -\nAuto CODE - Sets Code Automaticall On Placed Locks (/
description_11 help autocode)\nAuto Closing Doors! (/help autodoors)\n\nVIP Features\nSign Artist! Place