ID 350246
Game Rust
Server name NHGaming|PvE/PvP|Zombies|Raidables|Tiered Heli|Events|Loot+|
Mod Rust
Map NHGaming Customized
Players 0/55
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 3 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 115956.0
description_00 Welcome to NHGaming – Your Ultimate PvE/PvP Experience! \n\nDive into an exciting world where surviv
description_01 al against NPCs takes center stage, and dynamic events keep you coming back for more. Whether you're
description_02 exploring solo or teaming up with friends, our PvE-focused server offers a challenging and rewardin
description_03 g experience for all players, while War Mode gives you the freedom to embrace PvP battles on your te
description_04 rms! \n\n We’ve enhanced gameplay with unique features: \n •CupShare for seamless resource sharing.
description_05 \n •War Mode: Switch between PvE and PvP gameplay in designated safe zones. Customize your experienc
description_06 e while coexisting with players of different playstyles. \n •Kits to equip you with essential items
description_07 for PvE battles and raids. \n •Shop stocked with resources, weapons, and tools available for in-game
description_08 currency. \n\n Exciting Events Await: \n Engage in thrilling challenges like Tiered Heli Signals, G
description_09 as Station Event, Armored Train, Water Treatment Event, and Raidable Bases. Our team is dedicated to
description_10 providing fresh and innovative events to keep you entertained. \n\n Exclusive Features Include: \n
description_11 •SkillTree to customize your character's abilities. \n •Box Stacking for