ID 370347
Game Rust
Server name [EU] Fluffy-Wombat-Vanilla
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 2/75
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 117366.0
description_00 [EU] Fluffy-Wombat-Vanilla\n\nWhitelist. No BP wipe. Monthly map wipe. VPN not allowed!\n\n * Vanill
description_01 a settings 99%\n * If vehicles are in the vicinity of the TC, they will not decay.\n * If you are re
description_02 gistered at your TC? You won't be knocked out of the sky by your SAM's while flying.\n\nLet's mainta
description_03 in a welcoming environment: No harassment, racism, sexual content, political statements, real-life t
description_04 hreads, or advertising for servers in player names, chat or signs.\n\nLet's keep it universal: Engli
description_05 sh is the only language allowed in all public channels. Thanks for keeping communication inclusive f
description_06 or everyone!\n\nRespectful base building: Tool Cupboards (TCs) should not be placed near another pla
description_07 yer's base to obstruct building. TCs are permitted solely for preventing counter raids. While raidin
description_08 g, temporarily securing the base with locked TCs is allowed, but remember to unlock TC and doors onc
description_09 e the raid ends to restore access to the base owner.\n\nLet's keep the action in-game! Avoid raiding
description_10 when players are offline to maintain a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone. Maintain respect
description_11 ful interaction with fellow players, refrain from any form of cheating or exploiting game