ID 370799
Game Rust
Server name Porkys Raidable Bases PvE
Mod Rust
Map Porkys Weekend at Porkys
Players 0/75
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 13 seconds ago
Rule key Value
build 115956.0
description_00 This is Porky's Raidable Bases Server\n\nThis server gives you access to the F1 Spawn Menu so you ca
description_01 n build any base you want and then test the strength of it. and spawn any vehicle\nType /buy to se
description_02 e a list of vehicles you can buy\nType /spawn to see vehicles you can spawn \n/buy tugboat\n/spawn
description_03 tugboat\n\nSTABILITY and DECAY are unchanged so the build will decay and you will be limited on des
description_04 ign to be more realistic with other servers.\nWe do have a creative build server which has stability
description_05 and decay off but you cannot test build strength or cost in it hence this server has been created f
description_06 or testing strengths of bases.\n\nRules are simple\nDO NOT INTERFERE with other players or their bui
description_07 lds unless asked,\nDo not just spam foundations or items for the sake of spawning them and then just
description_08 leaving them as you will just be banned and anything placed by you will be removed automatically.\n
description_09 Hate, Racism or HomoPhobia will not be tolerated in Porky's Servers\nWe have dedicated non playing a
description_10 dmins to keep out the unsavoury element.\nAll VIP packages include a reserve slot in all Porkys Gami
description_11 ng servers\nand are available from :\n\nYou can find our other se