ID 397611
Game Rust
Server name TrueNorth Survival - Monthly|Solo/Duo/Trio|Ai|2xGather|3xStackS
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 1/160
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 9 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Welcome to TrueNorth Survival! Custom picked map this wipe = Starwars Battlefront\n\nActive and frie
description_01 ndly staff! We are very strict on a fairplay experience! We come from Dayz hosting and only provide
description_02 the best and most fun experience with TrueNorth! Make sure to join our discord! Much love.\n\nVanill
description_03 a Loot table\n2x Gather rates\n3x Stack size\nNo Paid Kits or features.\nMax 3 per group / base (You
description_04 are allowed to talk with others and trade in person but when comes to combat or raiding it must be
description_05 3 only.)\nCustom Picked Maps (Voting in discord)\nRolePlaying Friendly\nRaiding\nShared blueprints (
description_06 With clan members)\nPvP with PvE (Ai) \nSuper Friendly Community\n10min Nights\nNext wipe = 4/3/25\n
description_07 Cool Plugins! : \n\n-QuestSystem (Quest Npc located @ Outpost!)\n-Raidable Bases Pluging (ArmedAi wi
description_08 th raidable bases)\n-BotRespawn (Ai @ Monuments)\n-Npc Random Raids (After killing so many Scientist
description_09 s they will start to fight back!)\n-SkillTree (Plenty of skills to be obtained by using xp gained fr
description_10 om doing actions!)\n-SkillTree Events\n-Cooking2.0 (Custom buffs with cooking with this custom plugi
description_11 n! Temp disabled)\n-Convoy Event (Armed Convoy filled with tons of loot!)\n-Armored Train