ID 429392
Game Rust
Server name [EU/GER] | Noob/Beginner Friendly | LowUpkeep
Mod Rust
Map Custom Map
Players 1/44
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 2 minutes ago
Rule key Value
build 107591.0
description_00 ★Willkommen auf dem #1 Server im deutschsprachigen Raum! :) ★ \n \n » Settings « \n - Upkeep: 25% \n
description_01 - Map Size: 3700 \n - Biweekly MapWipe \n - BPWipe every 3 Forcewipes \n - No Turret Limit \n - Max
description_02 Bag Limit: 30 \n - Group Limit: max 8 Players \n - 30% higher Ressource Density \n - Daily Restart
description_03 : 06:00 (GMT+2) \n \n » Features « \n - Adminsupport via Discord (Ticketsystem) \n - DDoS Protecti
description_04 on \n - RUST+ \n - Website Leaderboard \n - Custom Radio \n - Combined Outpost \n - Täglicher Restar
description_05 t: 06:00 (GMT+2) \n \n » Regeln « \n - VPN Verbindungen verboten \n - Keine Beleidigungen, Rassismu
description_06 s, Spam, Flame im Global/Voice Chat \n - DIE AMTSSPRACHE IST DEUTSCH (or English) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ \n -
description_07 Die Nutzung von Cheats, Hacks, und Scripts ist verboten! \n - Streamsnipen ist verboten! \n - Alle
description_08 Regeln in ausführlicher Form sind auf unserer Website zu finden \n \n » Rules « \n - VPN connections
description_09 are prohibited \n - No insults, racism, spam, flames in global/voice chat \n - Please use German o
description_10 r English in Global Chat \n - The use of cheats, hacks and scripts is prohibited \n - No Stream Snip
description_11 ing! \n - Please check out our Website for more detailed