ID 430524
Game Rust
Server name [EU*NOR] [ MOTO ] | NOOB PARADISE 1 | FRIENDLY | 2X | ZED | Upd
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 1/200
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 6 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 116504.0
description_00 Welcome to [ MOTO ] { notice, every first thursday of the month there is a dev update at 20:00 CET,
description_01 MOTO update will stay late, cause not all updates are released before 20:00, we will be up and runni
description_02 ng about 30 min after or so )\n\n\n* No Griefing: Players are not allowed to engage in activities t
description_03 hat intentionally disrupt or harm other players' experiences, including destroying their structures,
description_04 stealing their items, or repeatedly targeting them in a hostile manner without justification.\n\n*
description_05 No Offline Raiding: Raiding or attacking other players' bases or territories while they are offline
description_06 is strictly prohibited. This rule ensures fairness and provides all players with an equal opportuni
description_07 ty to defend themselves and their assets.\n\n* No Toxic Behavior: Players must maintain a positive
description_08 and respectful attitude towards others. Toxic behavior, including harassment, discrimination, or ver
description_09 bal abuse, will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action.\n\n* Be Helpful: Players ar
description_10 e encouraged to assist and support each other within the community. Whether it's offering advice, sh
description_11 aring resources, or collaborating on projects, fostering a helpful and cooperative enviro