ID 451933
Game ARK: Survival Evolved
Server name Bear Trap
Mod Conan Exiles
Map The Exiled Lands
Players 0/10
Bots 0
VAC True
Password True
Refresh 4 days ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
S0 true
S2 true
S4 1.0
S6 0.5
S7 1.0
S8 1.0
S9 666.0
Sa true
Sf 0.0
Sj 0.5
Sk 0.5
Sl 2.0
Sm 2.0
So 600.0
Su 0.0
Sy 1.0
Sz 1.5
se 0.0
CSF 0.0
S05 true
S15 0.0
S18 true
S21 0.8
S22 1.0
S23 0.8
S24 1.0
S25 false
S30 0.0
S113 true
S117 false
S118 1.0
S119 false
S122 true
MapName The Exiled Lands
EXTERNAL_SERVER_UID 8fd64568b887bfea14444de73c4e182e