ID 464670
Game Rust
Server name ! MTG: Playable Builder |PVE|No BPs|1M Stacks !
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 0/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 8 minutes ago
Tags legit
Rule key Value
build 117366.0
description_00 ► Last wipe: March 6th 2025\n► Next wipe: April 3rd 2025\n\n► 50 bags and active turrets!\n► Very ac
description_01 tive Admin\n► Discord overlay friendly \n\n► PVE server for base builders. NOTE: The Saturday before
description_02 forced wipe, this server goes PVP and raiding is by doorways and windows only! All twig is breakabl
description_03 e! I.E. Perfect for trap base builders and raiders wanting a real challenge!\n\n► Server restarts da
description_04 ily at 06:00 Eastern US time\n► Noob Friendly\n► Log in at least every 48 hours (2 days) or everythi
description_05 ng you've built will be automatically purged!\n► VIP information at our Discord\n► As a lag preventi
description_06 on build limits are: 100 foundations and 100 turrets per base. 3 TCs, 4 watchtowers, 3 large and 3 s
description_07 mall furnaces, 3 fireplaces and 100 sleeping bags \n\n► Magic LOOT\n► Auto Pickup Barrel\n► Multi-sc
description_08 reen Backpacks\n► Better Elevators\n► Raid Alarm\n► Clans (unlimited size)\n► Quick Smelt\n► TP\n► B
description_09 grade with up command\n► Furnace Splitter\n► Guarded Crate\n► Bradley Guards\n► Remove tool\n► Auto,
description_10 no fuel lamp and lanterns\n► Plus many more mods!\n\n► Note: Some bans are set to forever!\n► VAC b
description_11 an less than one year, is now an