ID 478118
Game Rust
Server name RWTH|PVE&PurgeDay|[RaidableBases-ZLevels(Chill Build Shoot)]
Mod Rust
Map Procedural Map
Players 2/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 15 hours ago
Rule key Value
build 109665.0
description_00 More possible features to come new players always welcome!\n\nSome Features:\n--PURGE DAY LAST DAY
description_01 BEFORE WIPE--\n--PVE Server(No Player Killing Raiding or Stealing Loot(Unless Purge Day))--\n--Ser
description_02 ver Shop using /shop (All items paid for with scrap)--\n--Free JetPacks for our Discord Verified pla
description_03 yers!--\n--Convoy (Fight different difficulty convoys on roads)--\n--RaidableBases PREMIUM(Easy Medi
description_04 um Hard Expert Nightmare Difficulties)--\n--HeliSignals(Call your own Patrol Helicopter on demand i
description_05 f he runs he comes back!)--\n--Personal Recyclers to place in your base for our Discord Verified--\n
description_06 --Portable Repair Bench (/repair)--\n--BGrade RemoveTool and No Stability for Base Building--\n--Qu
description_07 ickSmelt and Faster Recycling--\n--Skins!--\n--ZLevels | Increase resource gather rates as you level
description_08 up--\n--Backpacks(Players get 48 slots members that verify with discord get 96)--\n--Monthly Wipes
description_09 on Force Wipe--\n--Open Hackable Crates Faster--\n--Bigger Item Stacks--\n--Random Minicopter Spawn
description_10 s on roads(Verify with discord to spawn your own!)--\n--50 Minute Days 15 Minute Nights with Vote Ni
description_11 ght Skip--\n--No Workbench Tax--\n--Much Slower Decay Rate--\n--And More!--