ID 609335
Game Rust
Server name New Moon PvE | Raidable Bases | Abandoned Bases | Zombies | Sig
Mod Rust
Map The New Moon
Players 8/50
Bots 0
VAC True
Password False
Refresh 4 days ago
Tags legit
Player's name Score Duration
Gogrogg 0 3 hours
Rival 0 2 hours
michaeljw73 0 2 hours
mike oxlong 0 1 hour
Virrepanna 0 1 hour
Sicthis 0 1 hour
Scythalle 0 1 hour
LEWIS12 0 1 minute
Rule key Value
build 115870.0
description_00 Welcome to New Moon, the server where chill vibes meet survival and the only thing you’ll be killing
description_01 is time (and, well... the occasional scientist). This isn't your average Rust experience — this is
description_02 where friends come to loot, laugh, and avoid being randomly stabbed by some dude who doesn’t know ho
description_03 w to share.\n\nHere, the PvE is strong: You can take down monuments, harvest your heart out, and tac
description_04 kle zombies and scientists who don’t take no for an answer. PvP? Nope, not here! The only time you’l
description_05 l be facing friendly fire is when you accidentally hit your teammate while chopping down a tree (sor
description_06 ry not sorry?). \n\nWith a few QoL boosts to keep the grind manageable and vanilla gather rates for
description_07 that authentic feel, you'll be building and expanding your base in no time. Just remember to lock yo
description_08 ur TC - because trust us, even the nicest friends can have sticky fingers. \n\nOur golden rule? Don'
description_09 t be a jerk. We’re not just talking about in game trolling. This is a No Toxicity Zone. No racism, h
description_10 omophobia, doxing or any of that nonsense. We’re all here to have a good time, not start a war in ch
description_11 at. And speaking of chat, it's English only, because confusing your teammat